by Meredith Dangel | Oct 16, 2023 | Understanding Autism
After an adult autism diagnosis I hear these questions: “What should I read?” “Do you recommend any resources?” “What’s next?” Whether they’ve been reading everything they can find or they’re brand new to learning,...
by Meredith Dangel | May 29, 2023 | Understanding Autism
Adjusting to the summer weather can be challenging for autistic folks, especially in the hot southern states. The shifts in routine and sensory experiences can disrupt their sense of familiarity and comfort, potentially leading to increased anxiety and difficulty...
by Meredith Dangel | May 29, 2023 | Understanding Autism
Starting Small Busy parents often make the mistake of caring for everyone else, neglecting their own physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health. Our culture rewards productivity and “pushing through,” which doesn’t help. Parents in my office...
by Meredith Dangel | May 29, 2023 | Understanding Autism
Help for the Holidays: Don’t let your mind lie to you For some of us, facing the holidays with altered plans feels overwhelming. For some, it may even feel hopeless and joy-less. Some may wonder why they should observe the holiday at all. What’s the point?...
by Meredith Dangel | May 29, 2023 | Understanding Autism
You want festive. You want fun. You want fa-la-la-la-la. Thinking Outside the Box: Autism Strategies for Meaningful Moments How do we achieve those meaningful moments when we’re faced with constraints like Covid-19 precautions? I have learned a lot about flexibility...
by Meredith Dangel | May 29, 2023 | Understanding Autism
Thanksgiving is a mere 21 days away. In a normal year, I encourage people to slow down during the holidays, limiting their activities and savoring the ones they choose. This year, Covid has probably done a lot of the limiting for you. You probably won’t feel the...